A Sense of Calmness

A Sense of Calmness Thinking about what I want from my work gives me a sense of calmness in that I feel I am doing something about my situation just by thinking about my vision of what I want . I live in a peaceful place away from the hectic city life of Hong Kong and...


Procrastination! Easy – procrastination! That’s got to be my biggest weakness, especially for tasks that do not exactly excite me, such as completing RFPs, writing proposals, developing balance scorecards and giving performance reviews. I usually try to embark...

Gain Trust and Respect

Gain Trust and Respect Deteriorating performance despite selfless hard work for extra hours (which did not happen in my past years, my current boss has complimented me for my performance in the first year) Weak management skills (don’t know how to communicate...

Love My Job

Love My Job We have to work. The money we get from it, enables us to enjoy life. So why not finding something we love doing while earning a living?!I If you want to love your job, you need to choose something you like doing and that you are good at. My dream is to go...
Catherine Raisig

Catherine Raisig

Learn How to Motivate Your Team “My coach has a unique ability to be both reassuringly supportive and constructively critical at the same time. Her probing questions forced me to re-examine the decisions I took and why,  helping me to better understand both what...